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Posted by : personaltrainer

Chest workout - Incline Bench Press with dumbbells - bodybuilding exercise
This exercise works on the lower and higher pectorals. Adjust the bench to a position between 30 and 60 degrees. Starting position: arms extended, dumbbells against shoulders. Go up and down slowly. Inhale when lowering, exhale when going up.

Category : Pectorals
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Posted by : personaltrainer

Chest workout - bench press with barbell - bodybuilding exercise
This exercise works on the lower pectorals, anterior deltoid and triceps. Laying, put your hands on the barbell slightly higher than your shoulders, knees at right angles. You can bend and fold the legs to avoid back problems. While inhaling, slowly down the bar by placing it in the middle of the sternum, exhale putting up the bar back to the starting position (arms outstretched).

Category : Pectorals
Rating :

Posted by : personaltrainer

Develop your pectoral muscle : Dumbbell inclined chest fly - Weight training (workout, bodybuilding) exercise
This exercise will help you to work on your pectoral (pectoralis) major muscle. Initial position : outstretched arms in the middle - bench inclined at ~ 30 degrees Inhale with outstretched arms, exhale when returning to the starting position. Do not put much weight for this exercise

Category : Pectorals
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Posted by : sousoukitchen

Makrout Moroccan cookie / Biscuit Marocain
Makrout is a Moroccan delicious cookie which is always present on our tables during Ramadan, it is made of semolina, stuffed with a date filling, flavored by the water of orange blossom and cinnamon, dipped into honey./ Makrout est un biscuit marocain délicieux qui est trés présent sur nos tables pendant le Ramadan, il est à base de semoule, farci avec la pate de datte, aromatisé par l'eau de fleur d'oranger et cannelle, trempé dans du miel.

Category : Receipts
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Posted by : life

Self-Defense - Tae Kwon Do - Tornado Kick
Human Weapon video tutorial : The Tornado Kick is a popular aerial move in Tae Kwon Do

Category : Self-Defense
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